buried target中文什么意思

发音:   用"buried target"造句
  • buried:    bury 的过去式及过去分词。
  • target:    n. 靶子,标的;目标;(嘲笑等的) ...
  • be buried:    被掩埋
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  1. In the years following operation desert storm , u . s . military strategists debated the best way to destroy such “ hardened ” and deeply buried targets , knowing full well that attacks on subterranean bunkers or weapons stockpiles would face uncertain chances of success
  2. In july 2006 , the air force research laboratory announced a plan to have boeing demonstrate the bomb ' s ability to destroy hard and deeply buried targets before august 2007 and to use the data to inform a decision on whether to launch an acquisition programme in fiscal year 2008
  3. The ground penetrating radar ( gpr ) is an effective tool to detect buried targets based on the dielectric discontinuity , which possesses a lot of virtue , such as rapid and continuous surveying , simple and convenient operation , high resolution , nondestructive detection etc . this dissertation studied shallow depth signal processing technology of gpr and focused on the clutter reduction and targets imaging


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中秋节祝福语   (中英双语)
《西部世界》第二季剧透来袭  (双语)

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